04 December 2024 09:45 - 10:15
Panel | Brand and demand: The ultimate tug of war in CMO strategy
In this panel, industry experts Neil, Nikki and James will explore the ongoing tug of war between brand building and demand generation that every CMO faces. Delve into real-world insights and strategies on how to strike the right balance, ensuring your marketing efforts drive both long-term brand value and immediate growth.
Key takeaways:
- Understand the distinct roles and impacts of brand marketing vs. demand generation.
- Discover practical frameworks for aligning brand and demand objectives without compromising either.
- Learn from case studies where companies have successfully navigated the brand-demand dilemma.
- Gain insights into measuring success for brand and demand initiatives in a cohesive strategy.
- Explore how CMOs can advocate for balanced investment in brand and demand with stakeholders.